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torsdag den 2. juni 2016

A day visit back in time

Aunt Frankie picked us up at maple bay yacht club. The day ahead of us was a step back to 1941-1954 where the Lees family resided after leaving Vancouver.

We visited red wing farm which is one of the farm houses at bullocks farm on Robinson road just out of Ganges. They lived at the creamery. Also part of the same farm. It has since been subdivided. Doug Pattersen and his partner Rolly have a medium sized farm. Red wing farm. They showed us around their farm and we visited the lake and where dad and Frankie played as kids. Just so special. Lots of stories from now and then. Beautiful lunch with ssi cheeses, beer, wine, eggs from their chicks, salad from the garden and a wonderful lemon tart to finish it all off.

A very special day.
Thank you.

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